Crash Courses for Beginners
New to Tango?
Let's get you dancing!
Upcoming crash-course for beginners:
More in the future!
Start your Tango

Dear Friends,
We want to inspire you. ​
We believe that everyone can dance. Tango is beautiful, social, sincere and it’s really-really fun!
We invite you to start learning this wonderful dance in a special intensive weekend workshop where you will cover all the necessary basics in a really small group. Warm atmosphere and relaxed fun guaranteed!
Why is this crash-course best for you: We want to offer unparalleled quality of teaching + lots of fun for you! You will be learning in a semi-private class of maximum 3-4 couples (compared to normal large tango classes), with constant help and personal attention from two teachers. Instead of 8 weeks, you will learn the material of the complete course in just 2 days, and enjoy tea and cakes as well! Small group and personal attention means you will learn faster and make closer friends with people!
This is something that only TangoBETTER in London offers, so make sure you book your spot!
What will you learn: You will learn to walk together to the music, lead and follow, embrace, have the correct posture and dance a few fun elements to give you a kick-start into tango world!
How to book: Come alone or bring a friend, colleague or your partner
Duration: 7 hours total
Cost: £90 per Person or £160 per couple.
Location: Central London
We are waiting for you!
Olga, Vicente, Richard and TangoBETTER team
Tango is Beautiful, Fun, Sincere and Social. We want to share it with you!
Join us to discover the wonderful tango world with us
Check out our video to see what tango is. We specifically created this video to be informative and interesting for people like you, who are new to tango!
You have wishes or want to ask us a question?
+44 755 278 7401